Friday, January 11, 2013

Lavender Oil

We all know that the smell of lavender promotes relaxation. But did you know that lavender oil is also fantastic for burns, bug bites, menstrual cramps, digestion and much more? As the "grandmother of all oils" it is a great oil to have on hand, especially for those new to essential oils! If in doubt, use lavender! 

I keep a bottle next to my stove. When I was making Christmas candies I burned my finger. A blister instantly began to form. I put a drop of lavender oil it right away. Within a few minutes the pain was gone. I put a drop of oil on every now and then as I thought about. Maybe 3 times. By the next day the blister had gone back down (it never popped!) and I couldn't even see where I had been burned. Amazing! It worked better for me than neosporin.

Interested in learning more? Want to know what oils might be best for you and your family? Feel free to PM me.

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