Friday, May 4, 2012

Reflexology for Infertilty

Studies show that over 12% of the reproductive population struggles with infertility.  Infertility is defined as being unable to get pregnant after at least 1 year of trying and also includes those who are unable to carry a pregnancy to term.  Those of you struggling with infertility are already aware of treatments available to you through your fertility specialist, so those options will not be discussed here.  What you might not be aware of, however, is that there are other options available at a fraction of the cost with no negative side effects.  One of these options is reflexology.

While researching for clients, I found a very intriguing study demonstrating miraculous results:

" Has Reflexology An Effect on Infertility? (Ericksen 1996)
To determine the effect of reflexology on infertility 108 women under 35 years with no
previous children, and that had attempted to become pregnant for more than two years
were selected from 260 applicants. Forty-seven of the 108 withdrew. The remaining 61
women were given sixteen 45-minute reflexology treatments over a 7 - 8 month period.
Treatments were given 2 times a week for 4 weeks, then 2 treatments before ovulation.
Nine women (15%) became pregnant within six months after starting treatment. Of two
thirds of the women who had menstruation problems 77% experienced an appreciable
improvement, with the majority totally getting rid of the problems. Three quarters of all the
women reported improvements in other ailments such as: muscle tensions, psychic
imbalances, indigestion, poor circulation and general imbalance."

A separate study published a table demonstrating results.  I encourage you to look at the table found on pages pages 10-11 of this study. You will find the age of the patient, reason for infertility, number of years spent trying to conceive, previous treatments attempted, as well as how many reflexology sessions were administered before resulting in pregnancy.

Key reflexes to be stimulated during a fertility reflexology session are:

  • Pituitary- master gland- helps regulate cycle
  • Hypothalamus- regulates pituitary hormone production
  • Thyroid- over/under active thyroid can impact fertility
  • Solar Plexus- to relieve stress and tension
  • Ovary/Testicles- improve hormone function
  • Fallopian tubes/Gonads- release any blockages 
  • Uterus/Prostate- improve circulation and promote normal function

Reflexology can be done in conjunction with other fertility treatments to help lessen negative side effects while normalizing body functions and encouraging fertility.

If you are categorized as "unexplained infertility," you may want to consider treatments for both you and your partner.

If you feel reflexology would be a good option for you, please email me at to set up an appointment.  For those of you outside of Leavenworth, please do your homework to find a qualified reflexologist in your area.  If you are unsure of what to look for, please read this post on the difference between Spa Reflexology and Clinical Reflexology.

Best of luck to you. I pray you will be led toward the option that will be most beneficial for you and your situation. 

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