Tuesday, April 24, 2012

What is reflexology?

Many have false ideas about what reflexology actually is.  There is nothing magic or mystical about it.  Through extensive study, reflex points found in the feet have been mapped out and found to mirror the organs, glands, and bones of the body.  When calcium or uric acid builds up on the nerve endings found in the feet, it can congest nerve pathways, decrease the function of the corresponding organ, and lead to compromised health.  My job is to locate crystal build-up on various reflex points and break it down so it can be effectively flushed from the body.  Once the crystals are removed the body is better able to achieve homeostasis and heal itself. 

Think of it this way.  Have you ever used a shower head that was encrusted with calcium deposits?  How did the water flow?  Some holes probably shot water intermittently or in the wrong direction all together while others were probably blocked off completely, not allowing any water to pass through.  The shower head is unable to work to it's full potential until it is scrubbed clean.  And so it is with nerve endings and reflexology.  As I “scrub” your nerve endings clean, allowing proper function to be restored, your body is better able to reach its full potential in all body functions.  This shower analogy also demonstrates why reflexology is suggested for health maintenance as well as healing.  It is significantly easier to keep your shower head clean, so to speak, than to scrub off years of excessive build up!

Reflexology aids in stress relief, improves circulation, and improves overall nerve function.  Many have found great success in treating sinus congestion, multiple sclerosis, insomnia, PMS, migraines, sciatic pain, fibromyalgia and countless other conditions.   Come on in and try it out!  You just might discover a safe and affordable way to improve, as well as maintain, your health. 

To better understand the difference between Spa Reflexology and Clinical Reflexology, read my post HERE.

To read testimonials from my clients, click here.

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