Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Carpal Tunnel?

Today I worked on a friend who is in the beginning stages of carpal tunnel and is a new nursing mother.  Any idea what areas were most tender on her?  You guessed it! Her wrist, breast, and back reflexes! (All you nursing mothers out there will understand that!)  She loves to crochet and makes such amazing and detailed creations. During our session her biggest concern was her wrist. We worked her whole foot focusing on her neck, shoulder, arm, and wrist reflexes as well as her adrenal gland to decrease swelling, her solar plexus reflex to relax, and all spinal reflexes.  Shortly after our session she sent me a quick facebook message:

"My wrist feels SO much better! Amazing! Thank you, MaryAnn!!"

Glad you are feeling better.  Hopefully you'll be crocheting your amazing creations again soon! :)

***Please note that acute symptoms are quicker to treat than chronic ones. Individual results may vary.***

For those of you at home suffering from carpal tunnel, you may find relief doing hand reflexology on yourself. 

Because carpal tunnel is caused by having your hands constantly curved forward, you my find relief by doing the following exercise with a rubber band to strengthen the muscles on the back of the hand. Many have claimed to be cured of their carpal tunnel by simply balancing the strength on both the palmar and dorsal aspect of the hand.  Just a few minutes each hour (or as needed) can get you back on the road to recovery.

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